Lavrov Slams Allegations of Russia ‘Exporting Hunger’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an article for African media outlets, published on the Foreign Ministry’s website on Friday that the West and Ukraine seek to shift the blame by accusing Moscow of "exporting hunger".

"I would like to point out that propaganda allegations by the West and Ukraine that Russia is ‘exporting hunger,’ are completely baseless. In fact, it is another attempt to shift the blame," Lavrov noted, Tass reported.

According to him, after the coronavirus pandemic had triggered a crisis, "the collective West used the mechanism of currency emission to attract goods and food flows, worsening the situation in developing countries who depend on food imports."

"This is when the food market situation started to deteriorate. The sanctions that the West imposed on Russia in recent months added to the negative trend," Lavrov stressed.