Iranian General Urges Readiness for Hybrid Wars

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking Iranian general called on the military forces to enhance their preparedness for engagement in hybrid warfare waged by the enemies.

In a meeting with a group of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) officers, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi, the top military adviser to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, called on the IRGC and other armed forces to be geared up for the enemy’s hybrid warfare.

“The IRGC should realize the enemy’s strategy and threats,” he noted, warning that the war the enemies have launched against the Iranian nation at present is a hybrid one with political, economic, cultural and media dimensions.

He further highlighted the failure of US plans to form a hegemonic monopoly in the world over the past 30 years, saying the withdrawal of military forces from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria demonstrates the defeat of the US and NATO.

The fact that the Americans escaped from Afghanistan and have reacted passively to the Russian attack on Ukraine reveals that the US’ power has been on the wane, the general stated.

He also said that the Islamic Revolution’s “soft power” has surrounded the Zionist regime, adding that a number of the Israeli officials acknowledge that their regime is confused and is crumbling away from within.

In comments earlier in July, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri warned about a tough and complicated hybrid warfare that the enemies have waged against the Islamic Republic, stressing the need for the constant enhancement of the country’s deterrent power.

He also noted that the Iranian military units are among the few military forces in the world that encounter hard military threats and security threats at the same time.

The Iranian military officials have given assurances that the armed forces are ready to give a decisive and crushing response to any threat at any level in such a way that the enemies of Iran would regret taking hostile actions.