Supports for Palestine Biggest Obstacle to US, Israeli Plots: Iran’s President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi described the supports that the regional nations have provided for Palestine as the major obstacle to the policies of the US and the Zionist regime across the region.

"Today, the Muslim nations of the region deeply hate the usurping Zionist regime and consider resistance as the main and basic line in confronting this regime," President Raisi said in a meeting with Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine Ziyad Nakhalah, held in Tehran on Thursday.

Describing resistance as the superior and ultimately victorious logic, the Iranian president said, "Today, resistance is both defensible as an idea and has yielded results in the field of action."

Referring to the developments in the occupied territories, Raisi added, "It is not the so-called peace agreements, but the bright path of resistance that has made the enemy desperate and paralyzed and the supporters of the resistance approach in the world hopeful."

Denouncing the efforts by the Zionist regime to normalize relations with some countries in the region, President Raisi said, "The Zionist Regime thought that by normalizing and establishing relations with these countries, it could create security for itself, while these measures did not create security for the Zionists in any way, and it won't happen because they don't have correct knowledge and prediction of the region and its future developments."

The president also considered the support for Palestine and the resistance as the definitive policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and said, "We have no doubt in realizing the victory of the Palestinian resistance and the liberation of the Holy Quds, which is the dream of Martyr Soleimani and all the martyrs of the resistance."

He further called the support from the nations for the Palestinian issue as the biggest obstacle to the policies of the United States and the Zionist regime in the region, according to his official website.

For his part, Nakhalah expressed satisfaction with the meeting with President Raisi, saying, "Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran has a strong and powerful presence in the region and the world more than ever before, and there is no doubt that the personal approach of the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran in strengthening relations with the countries of the region and standing against the dominators has played a significant role in this field."

He also gave a report on the capabilities and activities of Palestine, highlighted the inaction of the Zionist regime in dealing with the resistance forces, especially in Gaza and the West Bank, and stated, "Today, the Palestinian resistance has a strong presence in Gaza and a highlighted presence in the West Bank, which in the future will lead to increased pressure on the Zionist regime and changes in the equations in Palestine, and these achievements have been achieved thanks to the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

Nakhalah then expressed dissatisfaction with the actions of some countries in normalizing relations with the Zionist regime and stated, "Fortunately, the initiative of the Islamic resistance forces in Palestine has affected the goals of the Zionist regime in approaching some Arab countries in the region."

He stated that today the axis of resistance excels more powerfully with remarkable achievements, and emphasized, "Undoubtedly, the continuation of this path will lead to the weakening and destruction of the Zionist regime, and thanks to the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially Ayatollah Khamenei, victory is near, and God willing, we will all enter al-Quds together."