Yemeni Forces Unveil ‘Home-Made Long-Range’ Missiles

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemeni popular resistance forces displayed "long-range" ballistic missiles during a military parade they held in the capital Sanaa on Wednesday.

The Yemeni forces held a parade to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the country’s revolution on Sept. 21, 2014. Homemade air and sea missiles were displayed during the parade, according to the al-Masirah TV network.

During the parade, the Yemeni military revealed the second, third and fourth generations of the Badr missiles, which are short, medium and long-range and operate on solid fuel, as well as the Karrar ballistic missile with an intelligent guidance system.

The long-range Quds-3 winged cruise missile as well as other kinds of ballistic missiles were shown during the parade, which concluded with the Navy Force revealing a homemade Asif missile and a number of navigation and fast boats as well as naval mines.

In addition, the country’s Air Force revealed a Khatif-2 aircraft, equipped with a target sensing system, able to carry out offensive tactical tasks.

The top military leader of the Houthi Ansarullah forces, Mehdi al-Mashat delivered a speech, calling for the Yemeni government and the Saudi-led military coalition to engage in peace, and lift the blockade on the Sana'a airport and Hudaydah seaport.

In 2014, the people of Yemen led a popular uprising against the Saudi-backed unpopular regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

As protests gripped the country, Ansarallah on September 21 took control of the capital Sana’a following a rapid advance south from their northern stronghold of Sa'ada.

The popular protests were against the incompetent and corrupt regime in Sana’a which had been backed by Riyadh.

In a bid to crush the resistance and reinstall the Hadi regime, a Saudi-led coalition launched a ferocious bombing campaign on the neighboring Arab country barely six months later.

The war, which has been enjoying unstinting arms, logistical, and political support from the West, has killed tens of thousands of Yemenis and turned the entire country into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

Facing up to the invasion, Yemen’s Army and Popular Committees have vowed not to lay down their arms until the country’s complete liberation from the scourge of the invasion.

Sana’a has also warned countries involved in the aggression that the counterstrikes would be exceedingly “painful” if they failed to wind down their involvement in the Saudi-led war.