Raisi Urges Preventing Sanctions from Affecting Iran-Japan Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for finding ways to prevent unilateral US sanctions from affecting the relations between Tehran and Tokyo.

Raisi and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met on Wednesday afternoon in New York.

During the meeting, the Iranian president called the relations between the two countries friendly and long-standing.

“It is necessary to find innovative ways to prevent unilateral US sanctions from affecting the relations between the two countries, he said.

Honoring the memory of the former and deceased prime minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, who made great efforts in increasing the cooperation between the two countries, Raisi said, “Iran's economic and commercial relations with many countries of the world are developing and considering the long history of cooperation between Iran and Japan, and many fields of cooperation, including in the development of Chabahar port, as well as cooperation related to health and environment, these relations can be strengthened more and more”.

Referring to the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA, which was criticized by the whole world, the president described the Islamic Republic's statement on the nuclear issue to be logical and completely defensible, and added, “We are ready to reach a fair agreement and we emphasize that considering the negative history of the United States, it is necessary to obtain guarantees to prevent the repetition of that bitter experience.”

Raisi described Iran's regional communication and dialogues as progressing, and said, “The success of these dialogues is not to involve outsiders in regional issues and to leave regional countries' issues to them,” according to the president’s official website.

Kishida, for his part, expressed his satisfaction with this meeting and recalling his good memories of his visit to Iran in the past years, referred to the ongoing cooperation between the two countries in the fields of health, water, environment and crisis prevention, and said, “We are ready to increase cooperation with Iran in various sectors and we respect the ongoing efforts to reach a nuclear agreement”.