IRGC Hits Terrorist Groups’ Bases in Northern Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) targeted terrorist groups’ bases in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region after terrorists’ move to ignite riot and unrest along border cities west of Iran.

The move by IRGC Ground Force to hit Iraqi-based Komalah and Democrat terrorist groups came after illegal entry by these groups’ armed teams into the Iranian border cities in recent days.

The IRGC said in a statement on Saturday “the Iranian forces have shown decisive response to recent days’ aggression by the anti-revolution terrorist groups against borderlines and a number of border bases.”

The statement said, “These terrorists - who are backed by the global arrogance and are based in the Iraqi northern region – were forces to flee the country after accepting heavy casualties.”

The IRGC underlined that Iran on many occasions has warned officials of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region about the terrorist groups’ activities in the region but they have failed to pay necessary attention to the warnings and take proper measures to prevent terrorist moves.

It also underlined that the operation by the Iranian forces was part of efforts to ensure durable security along borders and punish criminal terrorists.

The statement further underscored that the operation will continued until the Iraqi Kurdish officials accept their responsibilities about the international regulations and their legal duties.

The IRGC also asked civilians and local people in northern Iraq to avoid anti-Iran terrorists groups’ bases.