Contacts between Russia, US Are at ‘Proper Level’: Kremlin

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Contacts between Moscow and Washington over nuclear weapons are at the appropriate, although sporadic, level, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Monday.

Earlier, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Washington was allegedly in constant contact with Moscow in light of Russian President Vladimir Putin's statements about nuclear weapons. When asked by reporters what level these contacts are at, Peskov said they are at a "proper level".

"There are channels for dialogue, but they are quite sporadic, though they at least allow for some urgent reports on each other's positions," the Kremlin spokesman said, TASS reported.

US Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Jake Sullivan said that US authorities had told Moscow "at a very high level" that the consequences of Russia's use of nuclear weapons would be disastrous and that Washington would respond decisively. When asked whether Moscow had received such a signal and how it felt about it, Peskov said: "I leave this without comment."

On September 21, Russian President Vladimir Putin backed a proposal by the Defense Ministry and the General Staff on a nationwide partial mobilization and signed the relevant decree.

He pointed out in a televised address to the nation that the line of contact in the zone of Russia’s "special military operation" stretches "over 1,000 kilometers long," and that the allied forces were fighting "actually against the entire war machine of the collective West," which threatened Russia’s very existence.

Putin also said that Russia would be ready to use all means at its disposal to defend its territorial integrity and its people.