Myanmar Court Jails Suu Kyi, Australian Economist for 3 Years

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A court in military-ruled Myanmar on Thursday sentenced deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her former economic adviser, Australian Sean Turnell, to three years in prison, a source familiar with the proceedings said.

Both had been charged with violating an official secrets act, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years, and had pleaded not guilty, Reuters reported.

"Three years each, no hard labor," said the source, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Suu Kyi, Turnell, and several members of her economic team are among thousands arrested since the military overthrew her elected government in a coup early last year, including politicians, lawmakers, bureaucrats, students and journalists.

Turnell has also been charged with immigration violations, for which he faces up to five years in prison. The court is expected to rule on that case on Thursday, according to a second source and media reports.

Nobel laureate Suu Kyi has already been sentenced to at least 23 years in prison in separate cases, mostly related to corruption charges. She denies all allegations against her.

Turnell, who is also a professor of economics at Macquarie University in Australia, has been in detention since a few days after the coup.

His wife, Ha Vu, who is based in Australia, said she and her family were "heartbroken" at the verdict and called for him to be deported.

"Sean has been one of Myanmar's greatest supporters for over 20 years and has worked tirelessly to strengthen Myanmar's economy. Please consider the contributions ... and deport him now," she said in a Facebook post.

The Australian Prime Minister's Office and Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Foreign Minister Penny Wong has previously said Canberra rejected a court decision to put Turnell on trial.

Thursday's sentencing took place in a closed court in the capital, Naypyitaw. The defendants' exact offence under the official secrets act remains unclear, though a source previously said Turnell's offence "relates to an allegation that he had government documents".

An analyst for the International Crisis Group think tank, Richard Horsey, called the proceedings "a show trial".

"For Sean the hope now must be that - having already been in detention for almost 20 months - he will be released soon from this terrible ordeal and reunited with his family," he said.

A junta spokesperson did not answer calls seeking comment on Thursday. The junta insists Myanmar's courts are independent and those arrested are receiving due process.