Kremlin Says Ready or Negotiate with Current or Future Ukrainian President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Moscow will wait for either a change in attitude by the current Ukrainian president or for a new leader before resuming peace negotiations with Kiev.

This comes after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree ruling out negotiations with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Even before the launch of what Russia calls "a military operation" in Ukraine in late February, Moscow “was the supporter of the idea of achieving the terms put forward by the Russian side through diplomatic means,” Peskov told journalists on Tuesday, RT reported.

Russia is still ready to look for a negotiated solution to the conflict between the neighbors, according to the spokesman. But “it takes two parties to negotiate,” he noted.

“We’ll now be waiting for the current president to change his stance or for the arrival of the future president of Ukraine, who would change his position in the interests of the Ukrainian people,” Peskov said.

On Tuesday, Zelensky signed a decree on Ukraine officially rejecting peace talks with Putin. It rubber stamped decisions made by Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, on Friday, just hours after Putin signed agreements on four Ukrainian regions joining Russia.

One of the resolutions was: “stating the impossibility of conducting negotiations with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin.”

Zelensky recorded a video address after the meeting claiming that “we (Ukraine) are ready for dialogue with Russia, but with another president of Russia.”

In his speech on Friday, Putin called upon Ukraine to “cease all hostilities, stop the war it started back in 2014 and return to the negotiating table.”

Moscow and Kiev have not sat down at the negotiating table since talks in Istanbul finished in late March. The Russian side, which initially expressed optimism on the peace process, later accused Ukraine of backtracking on all the progress achieved in Turkey, saying it had lost trust in Kiev’s negotiators.

In recent months, Ukraine has been either putting forward terms that Moscow deemed ‘unrealistic’ for the resumption of talks, or said that they can only begin after Russia is defeated on the battlefield.

Since the conflict began Zelensky has on several occasions proposed meeting with Putin face-to-face, in order to find a way to end hostilities. But Moscow insisted that the two leaders should only get together to sign concrete agreements already prepared for them by the negotiating teams.