Iran Arrests Person on Charge of Spying for Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A person has been arrested in Iran’s southern province of Kerman on charge of spying for the Zionist regime, an official said.

Head of the Justice Ministry’s office in Kerman, Ebrahim Hamidi, said on Tuesday that the person has been arrested in the province on charge of spying for the intelligence service of the Zionist regime.

He said the arrestee had plans for acts of sabotage to undermine security in Kerman province, but the vigilance of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Intelligence Organization thwarted the plot.

Hamidi noted that the arrested person was operating in Iran under the guise of business and trade activities and had made several trips to various countries with the purpose of passing information and receiving training to conduct acts of sabotage by contacting the intelligence officers.

The destination of the last trip was one of Iran’s neighboring countries, he added.

The arrestee had used the virtual space and various encrypted software to communicate with the Zionist regime’s military and intelligence organizations, Hamidi stated.

The official finally said the captured person had gathered a series of information and had plans to leave Iran to meet an intelligence operative of the Zionist regime at a regional country and receive instructions for a new mission, but was apprehended before getting out of Iran.