EU Sanctions Based on Disinformation: Iranian FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian denounced the European Union’s fresh sanctions on Tehran, slamming them as an unconstructive act out of miscalculation “based on widespread disinformation”.

"Down a well-worn path of ineffective sanctions, the EU today adopted further superfluous sanctions on Iranian persons. It is an unconstructive act out of miscalculation, based on widespread disinformation," Amirabdollahian said in a post on his twitter account on Monday.

He emphasized that "riots and vandalism are not tolerated anywhere; Iran is no exception."

His tweet came after the EU imposed sanctions on 11 Iranian individuals and four entities over the country's response to the riots that followed the death of a young Iranian woman in police custody.

The sanctions targeted a section of Iran’s police, the Basij volunteer forces and the cyber division of the country’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

The bloc also listed Iran's Minister of Communications and Information Technology Issa Zarepour for the internet shutdown, Press TV reported.

The coercive measures include travel bans and asset freezes.

Earlier on Monday, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani urged European countries to refrain from taking “meddlesome” actions, warning that Tehran would respond in kind to any interference in its domestic affairs.

He added that Tehran would take “a reciprocal and proportional action” in case of interference in its internal affairs.