Iran Dismisses Claim on Selling Drones for Use in Ukraine War

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The permanent mission of Iran to the United Nations refuted the unfounded claims raised by Germany that Tehran has sold unmanned aerial vehicles for use in the Ukraine war.

The Iranian UN mission issued a statement at the First Committee of the UN General Assembly on October 17, rejecting and condemning the unfounded and unsubstantiated claims by Germany about selling unmanned aerial vehicles for use in the Ukraine conflict.

The statement is as follows:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Mr. Chair,

I have to take the floor to exercise my delegation’s right of reply and clarify our position with regards to the claims on the so- called use of Iranian drones in Ukraine.

Mr. Chair,

Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, the Islamic Republic of Iran has taken a clear, consistent, and unwavering position, emphasizing that all UN Member States must fully respect the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter as well as the international law.

The Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently supported peace and end of the conflict in Ukraine and urged the parties to exercise restraint, avoid escalating tensions, and engage in a meaningful process for addressing the root causes of the situation and settling their disputes through peaceful means. It also urged the parties to uphold their obligations under international humanitarian law and conduct consultations to protect civilians and critical infrastructure from military targets or attacks.

The Islamic Republic of Iran supports the United Nation’s ongoing efforts to find a peaceful solution to this conflict. The United Nations should maintain objectivity and impartiality in order to play a responsible and constructive role in the political settlement of Ukraine’s conflict.

The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically rejects and strongly condemns unfounded and unsubstantiated claims by delegations like Germany about selling unmanned aerial vehicles for use in the Ukraine conflict. Such unfounded claims, are nothing more than a propaganda apparatus launched by certain states to further their political agenda. In this regard, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in good faith and in accordance with its constructive approach toward the Ukraine crisis, stands ready to engage constructively in joint technical and expert cooperation to clarify the unfounded accusations leveled against Iran.

The Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its constructive engagement to help the peaceful resolution of this crisis.

Last not least, Iran underlines that its missile program is a homegrown and defensive capability under our international commitments. It should also be underlined that Iran continues to respect its commitments under the JCPOA and Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement. And the additional protocol is a voluntary instrument.

Thank You!