IRGC Forces Practice Heliborne Operation in Drill

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Ground Force’s troops carried out heliborne and parachute jump operations during a military exercise in Iran’s northwestern border regions.

On the third day of the ‘Mighty Iran’ war game, underway in ‘Aras’ region along the northwestern boundaries in the provinces of Ardabil and East Azarbaijan, the IRGC special forces conducted heliborne operations with Mil Mi-17 helicopters.

The participants in the war game also seized the routes and heights controlled by the hypothetical enemy.

During the drill that kicked off on Monday, the IRGC forces have for the first time practiced setting up pontoon bridges on rivers for troops and vehicle travel.

The troops have also carried out combined operations including security and defense tactics.

In comments on the sidelines of the war game, IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami reminded the neighbors that Iran sticks to the policy of friendship and fraternity as long as there is no plot hatched against it by the enemies.

“We are a brother of any country and power interacting with us correctly. We call on our neighbors to resolve their problems via interaction and non-military approaches. We have interests in this region, so if an incident takes place in any corner of the region, our interests will be threatened, then we won’t remain neutral and will defend our interests,” the general said.