US, Zionists, Al Saud behind Riots in Iran: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps lashed out at the US, the Zionist regime and the Saudi kingdom for plotting riots in Iran, warning Al Saud and the media under its sponsorship that they will have to pay a price.

In an address at the funeral of those martyred in a recent terrorist attack on the Shah-e Cheragh shrine in Shiraz, held on Saturday, Major General Hossein Salami said the criminal US, the Zionist regime and the Al Saud have plotted riots in Iran after suffering failures in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.

Pointing to the recent riots in a number of Iranian cities, the general said, “What is happening these days is the ominous plot hatched by the White House, the Zionist regime and the other enemies, including Al Saud.”

He also warned the Al Saud regime and the media outlets being sponsored by it to “be careful”, because the Islamic Republic will respond to them.

Calling on the rioters to open their eyes to the truth, the commander said, “I warn the US, the UK and the rotten Saudi regime that we will get to you with the very same (Iranian) youth, won’t let you go, and will take revenge.”

In remarks on October 17, Major General Salami warned Saudi Arabia about the price the kingdom will have to pay for sponsoring anti-Iranian media outlets.

Urging Riyadh to mind its manners and rein in the anti-Iranian media outlets, the commander warned that the consequences of Saudi Arabia’s actions will reflect upon itself.