Zionists, Reactionaries Accountable for Shiraz Terror Attack: Iran Speaker

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf held Israel and the reactionary regional regimes accountable for the recent fatal terrorist attack in Iran’s Shiraz, warning that they cannot hide behind the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group or anti-Iranian televisions.

Speaking at a parliamentary meeting on Sunday, Qalibaf condemned the terrorist attack on the Shah-e Cheragh shrine in Shiraz, adding, “The Zionist regime and the regional reactionaries should keep in mind that they cannot hide under the guise of Daesh (ISIS) or the London-based televisions and must be held accountable for the blood shed in Iran.”

The senior lawmaker said the criminal incident in Shiraz proved that the enemies are waiting in ambush to upset Iran’s security, disrupt the ordinary lives of people, create wars and clashes in the cities, and partition the country.

He also stressed the need for the Iranian political groups, the social and cultural activists and the protestors to distance themselves from the riots and violence, because the enemy seeks to use every opportunity to harm the people.

In an address at the funeral of victims of Shiraz terror attack on Saturday, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salami said the criminal US, the Zionist regime and the Al Saud have plotted riots in Iran after suffering failures in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.

The senior commander has already warned Saudi Arabia about the price the kingdom will have to pay for sponsoring anti-Iranian media outlets.

Urging Riyadh to mind its manners and rein in the anti-Iranian media outlets, the commander warned that the consequences of Saudi Arabia’s actions will reflect upon itself.