Riots in Iran Misused for Daesh Terror Attack: FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran said the enemies have taken advantage of the recent riots to foment insecurity in the country and prepare the ground for Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) to carry out a fatal terrorist operation targeting civilians in Shiraz.

In a telephone conversation with his Turkish counterpart on Monday evening, Hossein Amirabdollahian thanked Mevlut Cavusoglu for expressing sympathy over the October 26 terrorist attack at the Shah-e Cheragh shrine in Iran’s southern city of Shiraz.

He said the enemies of Iran have been trying in recent weeks to take advantage of the riots to create insecurity and instability in the country and pave the way for the terrorist attack by Daesh.

Amirabdollahian noted that Iran has witnessed many such plots and has always overcome the challenges.

Congratulating Turkey on its Republic Day, the Iranian foreign minister voiced his sympathy with the Turkish government and people over a recent fatal mine explosion.

For his part, Cavusoglu said the relations between Turkey and Iran are beyond those of two ordinary neighbors, as they are brothers that have always stood with each other.

He also condemned the terrorist attack in Shiraz, stressing that Turkey will support Iran in the fight against terrorism.

The senior Turkish diplomat also welcomed the process of negotiations between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, describing them as Turkey’s friends.