Iran UN Envoy Urges IAEA’s Independence

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Stressing the need for the International Atomic Energy Agency to maintain its impartiality, independence, and professionalism, Iran’s ambassador to the UN said unilateral coercive measures hamper technical cooperation between the IAEA and the member states.

Addressing the 77th session of the UN General Assembly on “Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency”, held in New York on November 9, Saied Iravani underlined that the IAEA’s impartiality, independence, and professionalism should never be jeopardized in the context of the safeguard obligations nor influenced by certain parties.

What follows is the text of his statement:

In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Mr. President,

At the outset, I would like to thank the distinguished Director-General of the IAEA for his report.

Mr. President,

Nuclear power is a key priority for all states in particular developing countries as a way to meet power needs while keeping the carbon footprints low. It is noteworthy that the transfer of nuclear knowledge and technology to interested developing nations, as provided for under the NPT and the IAEA Statute is critical. According to the IAEA statute, the Organization is tasked with supporting Member States in nuclear energy research, development, and practical use for peaceful purposes.

Mr. President,

The safeguards-related verification activities should be carried out in support of the IAEA's primary function of advancing the application of nuclear science and technology. The necessary safeguards in this situation must be designed and put into action in a manner that respects the unalienable rights of NPT States Parties while not obstructing their economic or technological development. These unalienable rights must be protected, and the national sovereignty of the NPT States Parties must be respected, in any actions taken to enhance the safeguards' application. As a result, it is never acceptable to exploit spurious concerns about nuclear proliferation as justification for restricting these legal rights.

It is a matter of serious concern that despite the high need of developing countries for capacity building and transfer of nuclear technology to enhance their national nuclear energy for sustainable development, a systematic denial approach is continued by certain states in contravention of the statute of the IAEA and NPT provisions. Furthermore, it is regrettable that unlawful unilateral coercive measures and dual standards imposed by certain states adversely affect the peaceful use of nuclear energy and hamper technical cooperation between Member States and the IAEA.

Mr. President,

The US withdrawal from the JCPOA in 2018 and the re-imposition of sanctions, as well as the current US Administration's refusal to return to it, have caused immense damage to international efforts toward nuclear non-proliferation. However, Iran has continuously upheld its commitment to the Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement and has been cooperative with the IAEA. Iran is prepared to fully carry out its commitments under the JCPOA, pending the compliance of other JCPOA participants.

The Agency and the Islamic Republic of Iran have close working relationships in a variety of areas. Iran has the best history of receiving IAEA inspections. There are no safeguards concerns connected to Iran's ongoing nuclear operations, as the Agency has verified and confirmed on several occasions, and there is no proof of diversion of declared nuclear material or activities in Iran. Last month, a technical delegation from Iran had discussions with the IAEA Secretariat team in Vienna, aiming at responding to the questions raised by the IAEA.

However, the Agency's impartiality, independence, and professionalism should never be jeopardized in the context of the safeguard obligations nor influenced by certain parties so all states would enjoy their enshrined rights in the IAEA’s Statute.

Mr. President,

Last but not least, the Zionist regime has cowardly assassinated our nuclear scientists and sabotaged Iran's peaceful nuclear facilities. These horrific terrorist acts must be categorically condemned by the world community and pertinent international organizations. The Israeli regime is still not a signatory to the NPT. It has been refusing to sign up for the NPT and abide by the comprehensive safeguards of the IAEA. The Agency must deal with this regime with an unbiased and professional approach.

I thank you, Mr. President.