Hundreds March through UN’s COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hundreds of people joined a march inside the COP27 climate summit in Egypt.

Today at the conference center in Sharm El Sheikh, the first large-scale protest took place inside the Blue Zone - an area usually reserved for official proceedings and not accessible to all activists, Euronews reported.

Organizers say that it was held inside the conference as Egyptian authorities would not allow it on the streets.

At midday on the long road between two of the venue's buildings, people gathered to take part in the march.

The large group of protesters chanted slogans like "no climate justice without human rights" with activists saying that the UN climate summit is now "lost and damaged".

Placards in the crowd included messages such as "Don't gas Africa" and "Pay your climate debt".

The rising theme of this global day of action from campaigners was "we will never be defeated" on human rights and the call for climate justice.

The march was led by Sanaa Seif, sister of imprisoned British-Egyptian water striker Alaa Abdel-Fattah.

"Those in power thought my voice would be drowned out," she told the crowd, adding that there "can be no climate justice without human rights."

It was also fronted by other activists including Filipino climate justice activist Mitzi Jonelle Tan - who highlighted the murder and imprisonment of environmental land protectors - as well as civil society and religious leaders.

It is the biggest action to take place at the climate conference so far with protests limited in Sharm El Sheikh.

Protests are also taking place elsewhere in cities including London and Edinburgh in support of the march at COP27.