Lebanon Condemns Israeli Violation of Its Sovereignty, Airstrikes on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Beirut strongly condemned the latest Israeli airstrikes against an airbase in central Syria.

It came after the Tel Aviv regime’s warplanes violated the Lebanese airspace to carry out the act of aggression.

The Lebanese Foreign Ministry in a statement voiced solidarity with the Syrian Arab Republic after the aerial raids, which targeted Shayrat Airbase southeast of Homs on Sunday evening, saying Beirut reserves the right to lodge a complaint with the United Nations in connection with the deadly attack.

“The ministry reaffirms that such attacks constitute a blatant violation of international laws and principles, and a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty by infringement upon its airspace by Israeli warplanes to carry out attacks," read the statement.

"The airstrikes also pose a direct threat to the safety of civilian navigation in Lebanese airspace and to international peace and security."

“The ministry reserves the right to file a complaint with the United Nations in New York as soon as all security data are available,” it said.

Syria’s official news agency SANA, citing a military source, said two soldiers were killed and three were wounded, and unspecified damage was caused to the site that was struck in the Israeli attacks.

SANA added that Syrian air defenses managed to intercept and shoot down several of the Israeli missiles.

The strikes occurred after Israeli warplanes were seen flying over neighboring Lebanon, whose airspace Israel sometimes crosses to carry out attacks on Syria.

Israel violates Lebanon’s airspace on an almost daily basis, claiming the flights serve surveillance purposes.

Lebanon’s government, the Hezbollah resistance movement and the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) have repeatedly condemned the overflights, saying they are in clear violation of UN Resolution 1701 and the Arab country’s sovereignty.

Back in August, Lebanon lodged a complaint to the United Nation against the Tel Aviv regime for violating the country’s airspace after Israeli military aircraft carried out separate airstrikes against positions near the Syrian capital city of Damascus and the western city of Homs.

In 2009, Lebanon filed a complaint with the UN, presenting over 7,000 documents pertaining to Israeli violations of Lebanese territory.