Iran Has Inherent Right to Self-Defense, UN Mission Says after Attacks on KRG-Based Terrorists

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Following the recent IRGC attacks on the positions of terrorist groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Iran’s mission to the UN said the country has no choice but to exercise its inherent right to self-defense under international law in order to safeguard its national security.

The permanent mission of Iran to the United Nations released a statement, declaring Iran's position on the recent attacks that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has launched against the camps of terrorist and separatist groups in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

What follows is the text of the statement:

1. For years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a target of terrorist groups based in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region. They have recently intensified their activities by illicitly transferring a huge quantity of weapons into Iran to arm their affiliates intended at performing terrorist operations, resulting in a number of civilian casualties, vandalism, and destruction of public and private property.

2. While reiterating the responsibility of the Iraqi Government to maintain effective control over its entire territory and internationally recognized borders, the Islamic Republic of Iran has shared irrefutable evidence and credible information with the Iraqi Government and authorities from the Iraqi Kurdistan Region about terrorist and separatist groups utilizing Iraqi territory to plan, support, organize and carry out terrorist and subversive acts against Iran.

3. During several rounds of bilateral consultations and negotiations with officials from the Iraqi Government and the authorities of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, including a recent visit to Tehran on 25 October 2022, by the advisor for Iraqi National Security, Iran has requested the extradition of those who committed terrorist crimes and were convicted by Iranian courts, as well as the closure of the headquarters and training camps of such terrorist groups, and disarming of their elements. Iran has also underlined the need of stationing Iraqi military forces along its borders. The Iraqi delegation agreed to the requests and also committed to developing a timeframe for completing the disarmament of such terrorist groups.

4. To date, unfortunately, no effective measures have been taken to fulfill such agreements. Nonetheless, Iran has persistently stated its willingness to implement the aforesaid agreements, but to no avail.

5. In such circumstances, Iran has no choice but to exercise its inherent right to self-defense under international law in order to safeguard its national security and defend its people and has recently launched necessary and proportionate military operations against terrorist groups' bases in the Iraqi Kurdistan region, which was meticulously planned and precisely targeted on terrorist locations.

6. The Islamic Republic of Iran is unwavering in its commitment to address this issue with Iraq through bilateral mechanisms as a part of its ongoing fight against terrorism. During their conversations, the Foreign Ministers of the two countries emphasized respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, the need to combat terrorism in accordance with international obligations, and the importance of bilateral cooperation in addressing the challenges posed by terrorist activities.

7. The Islamic Republic of Iran values highly the security and stability of Iraq and reiterates, once again, its commitment to the territorial integrity, unity, and sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq.