Lebanese Minister Says Normalization Means Restoring Normal Situation of Free Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The interim minister of culture of Lebanon, Mohammad Al-Murtada, chastised the Arab media for using certain terms, like "normalization,” created in the West without understanding their true meaning.

Al-Murtada stressed that "normalization" refers to returning a particular entity to its normal state. He added that this entails giving the entire Palestinian Territories back to the Palestinians and restoring Arab unanimity regarding the Arabs' affinity for the Orient, the region of coexistence.

"Isn't this the typical situation for the region?" he said.

Hosting Al-Manar website’s director, Diaa Abu Taam, Al-Murtada added that the demise of the Arab civilization will be inevitable if Zionism persists.

The Lebanese minister of culture emphasized the significance of maintaining a sense of national identity in Lebanon, pointing out that struggle and resistance are born out of the country's dedication to independence.

Al-Murtada also underlined the fight for awareness and urged the Arab media to provide viewers with more information about how to spot deception and dishonesty.