Tehran Summons UK Envoy over British Support for Iran Riots, Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Britain’s Ambassador to Tehran Simon Shercliff was called to the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs over the UK officials’ interference in the domestic affairs of Iran, their support for riots, and imposition of illegal sanctions against Iranian citizens.

Shercliff was summoned by the Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday in protest at the continuation of interfering comments from the UK officials about the developments in Iran, their support for riots and terror in the country, and imposing illegal sanctions on a number of Iranian nationals.

The ambassador was notified of Iran’s strong condemnation of the continued interfering and undiplomatic remarks by the British officials about the domestic affairs of Iran, the UK’s state and media support for the riots, and the imposition of unfounded and hypocritical sanctions against the Iranian citizens.

The envoy was told that the attempts by the UK and the London-based and state-run media outlets to provide artificial respiration for the riots in Iran will get nowhere and will only deepen the Iranian people’s hatred for the UK’s anti-Iranian policies.

Shercliff was informed that the Islamic Republic of Iran reserves the right to take retaliatory action to respond to the sanctions imposed by the UK.

Elsewhere in the meeting, London’s groundless accusation of delivery of Iranian drones to Russia, which has been leveled without any document and evidence, was categorically rejected.

The British envoy was also reminded that what has prolonged the conflict in Ukraine is the supply of lethal weapons from Britain and its partners to Ukraine that have delayed a political settlement of the crisis.

The ambassador said he would convey Iran’s protest to London.