US Continues Policy of Destabilizing Afghanistan: Iran’s Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian president’s special envoy for Afghanistan said the US continues destabilizing Afghanistan and stirring internal conflicts in the country.

While the US has withdrawn its forces from Afghanistan, it keeps implementing the policy of destabilizing the country and fomenting civil war and inciting ethnic and religious conflicts, Hassan Kazemi Qomi said at a meeting in Mashhad on Wednesday.

He further said there have been growing security concerns in the Central Asia region following the emergence of the so-called Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) of Khorasan terrorist group.

Therefore, he added, there is a need for an overall and comprehensive plan and strategy regarding Afghanistan, especially Afghan refugees.

One should not look at this issue only with a security outlook but cultural and social issues should also be considered in this strategic plan, he stated.

In late August 2021, the US evacuated thousands of troops from Afghanistan in just a few days, following President Joe Biden’s order to exit fully by August 30, 2021.

The withdrawal marked the end of two decades of war in Afghanistan, which sought to bring peace to the country, but left a trail of chaos and mayhem in the country.

More than one year after the US pullout, Afghanistan is still bogged down in turmoil. The country has been the scene of recurrent terrorist attacks, some of which have been claimed by the Daesh terrorist group.