Iran Refutes Ukraine’s Allegation of Arms Delivery to Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry dismissed the allegation made by the president of Ukraine that Iran has supplied Russia with arms for use in the war, warning Zelenskyy that Iran’s strategic patience is not infinite.

In a statement on Thursday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani condemned the “hackneyed allegations and discourteous remarks” that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made against Iran in the US.

Addressing the US Congress on Wednesday evening, Zelenskyy accused Iran of providing military support for Russia in the Ukraine war.

“When Russia cannot reach our cities by its artillery it tries to destroy them with missile attacks and allies in the genocidal policy with Iran,” Zelenskyy said, describing Iran as a critical threat to Ukraine’s infrastructure.

Kanaani said Iran has time and again responded to the unfounded claims of the Ukrainian officials regarding drone deliveries to Russia, adding, “Once again we emphasize that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not exported any military equipment to any party for use in the Ukraine war.”

Reaffirming Iran’s respect for the territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, the spokesman reminded the Ukrainian president that Iran’s strategic patience regarding the baseless accusations is not unlimited.

“Mr. Zelenskyy had better learn lessons from the fate of certain leaders of countries that relied upon support from the US,” Kanaani stated.