Lavrov Hits Out at US Pursuit of Attaining ‘End of History’ through Domination

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US is seeking to reach "the end of history" with its total domination, but the course of history and the evolution of a multipolar world cannot be stopped, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday at a working meeting with Russia’s leading mass media bosses.

The top diplomat harked back to Francis Fukuyama, an American political scientist and philosopher, who trotted out the concept of the End of History and liberal democracy as the final form of government for all nations.

"And now, if you look at the policy of the Biden administration, you will see that this is exactly what they want. They want to see the end of history not only in the works of political analysts and political scientists but in real life as well," he said, TASS reported.

"What we are seeing now in Europe in the broadest sense, what we are seeing on other continents, where American envoys are urging each state take an anti-Russian position, join the sanctions and refrain from communicating with Russian officials is a reflection of the attempt to reach the end of history, to establish the final and irreversible dominance of the notorious golden billion," he said, adding that Washington’s "vain attempts" run counter to historical progress since they seek to halt and reverse the objective evolution of a multipolar world.

"The course of history cannot be stopped, there is no end to history and will never be because mankind has repeatedly passed through attempts to subdue it by one force or another, which has set out to dictate everything to everyone," Lavrov stated.