Sanctions Aimed at Spreading Poverty in Iran: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Warning of hostile attempts to foment poverty in Iran by imposing economic sanctions, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Major General Hossein Salami said his forces are resolved to combat poverty across the country.

In remarks on Saturday, the IRGC commander said a main purpose of the enemies is to spread poverty in the Iranian society.

Describing the economic sanctions imposed by the enemies as a tool to foment poverty in Iran, Major General Salami said the IRGC, which is tasked with safeguarding the Islamic Revolution, has begun to combat poverty and economic deprivation.

“This is our main mission in dear Iran, as under the light of the Islamic Revolution and the dear leaders of the Revolution, very serious resolve has been created by God’s grace to eliminate (economic) deprivation,” he added.

The commander also hailed the Basij forces for their success in resolving problems in the society, saying every dimension of the war imposed by the enemies would be addressed with the activities of the Basij forces.

In recent years, the IRGC has offered help to the Iranian administrations in non-military technologies in order to cut dependence on foreign countries.

In 2019, the IRGC Aerospace Force helped the Energy Ministry in cloud-seeding operations as part of programs to fight drought.

The IRGC Ground Force has also carried out extensive plans in recent years for the development of border provinces and underprivileged areas, such as the southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan.

IRGC forces have also been actively involved in rescue and relief operations in natural disasters across Iran.