Senior Lawmakers Discuss Implementation of Iran-Russia Long-Term Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and Chairman of Russia’s State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin weighed plans to carry out the 25-year comprehensive cooperation agreement between the two countries.

In a meeting with the Russian State Duma chief, held in Tehran on Monday, Qalibaf said the third meeting of the Supreme Joint Parliamentary Commission of Iran and Russia has been held as the two countries have developed a common understanding of cooperation and sensitive issues.

Hoping for accelerated interaction between the parliaments of the two nations in the political and economic fields in 2023, Qalibaf said the authorities in Tehran and Moscow are aware that there is an important milestone in the bilateral and multilateral relations as well as national and regional issues.

Highlighting the importance of the strategic agreement between Iran and Russia, he called for efforts to carry out the 25-year deal as soon as possible.

For his part, Volodin lauded the positive trend in the development of Russia’s relations with Iran.

The Duma chairman also noted that the 25-year agreement between Russia and Iran not only entails the formation of new relations, but will be the bedrock of the development of ties and closer cooperation in all areas.