Iran, Russia’s Capacities Complementary: Raisi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Hailing the developing economic relations between Iran and Russia, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the capacities of the two countries can complement each other in serving mutual and regional interests.

In a meeting with Chairman of Russia’s State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, held in Tehran on Monday, Raisi said the economic relations between Tehran and Moscow are continuously strengthened and improved.

"The two countries have diverse, numerous capacities in the fields of energy, transit and transportation that can be activated for developing cooperation," he added.

The president also stated that Iran follows the full implementation of the agreements with Russia, adding, "The capacities of the two sides can complement each other, and their use can create regional benefits in addition to securing the interests of the two countries."

For his part, Volodin said Iran’s positions on strengthening regional and neighborhood relations could facilitate the development of cooperation between the two countries, the president’s official website reported.

"The Russian Federation also has the same approach and opinion about improving the level of interactions with the Islamic Republic of Iran, and our agenda is based on the will of the leaders of the two countries to strive for the continuous development of cooperation,” he added.

Volodin has visited Iran with a delegation of Russian deputy ministers responsible for energy, trade, transportation and agricultural affairs to take part in the third meeting of the Supreme Joint Parliamentary Commission of Iran and Russia.