Iran Condemns EU, UK Sanctions, Vows Retaliation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry strongly condemned the fresh sanctions that the European Union and Britain have imposed on Tehran, unveiling plans for reciprocal sanctions against Europeans.

In a statement released on Tuesday morning, Nasser Kanaani categorically condemned the new sanctions that the EU and the “British regime” have imposed on a number of Iranian legal and natural persons.

The spokesman said the sanctions reveal the European Union and the UK’s “mental inability to have a correct understanding of the realities in Iran” and their confusion over the Islamic Republic of Iran’s might.

The sanctions imposed on a number of Iranian lawmakers as well as Judiciary, military, law enforcement and cultural officials lay bare the EU and the UK’s frustration, disillusionment and anger after their recent humiliating defeat in creating instability in Iran despite their attempts and heavy costs, he added.

“However, they are well aware that the sanctions will not impede the Iranian nation’s resolve and determination to counter the foreign interference and plots,” Kanaani stated.

He emphasized that Iran reserves the right to take retaliatory action against such “failed policies” of the West, adding, “Iran will soon release a list of new sanctions against the violators of human rights and the propagators of terrorism in the European Union and the UK.”