Iran Expounds on Sanctions on EU, UK

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave additional explanation on the recent sanctions that Tehran has imposed on the European Union and the UK’s individuals and organizations.

Following the recent imposition of sanctions on the European Union and the British regime, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said Iran is firmly resolved to defend its sovereignty, national interests and its official organs that constitute the country’s clout.

Iran is determined to achieve this goal in line with the general principles of its foreign policy, the clear principles of international law and the principle of sovereign equality, he added, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

The spokesperson added that in this regard and in response to the adoption of destructive, confrontational and unjustifiable policies by the British regime on January 23, the European Union’s unacceptable resolution of January 19, and the resolution of the EU’s Council of Ministers on January 23 which resulted in imposing new sanctions on a number of Iranian individuals, entities and companies, the Islamic Republic of Iran has announced a new list of European and British individuals and institutions on whom sanctions have been placed.

Kanaani added that these individuals, entities and companies have been slapped with sanctions pursuant to approvals by relevant authorities and as part of a response in kind for their deliberate actions in supporting terrorism and terrorist groups, promoting and inciting terrorism and violence and also spewing hatred which caused riots, violence, acts of terror and violations of the Iranian nation’s human rights.

He noted that those who insulted Islamic sanctities and the holy Quran are also on the sanctions list.

The spokesman stressed that the Foreign Ministry, along with people from all walks of life, the government, parliament and the lawmakers, and the judiciary, firmly condemns any interventionist actions and statements contrary to the principles of international law and it reaffirms its full support for the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps as a symbol of sacred and national values of Islamic Iran and the pioneering force in the fight against various forms of terrorism and extremism.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran imposed fresh sanctions on dozens of European Union and British officials and entities for supporting terrorism and terrorist groups, instigating and encouraging terrorist acts and violence against Iranian people, interfering in domestic affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, fomenting violence and unrest in Iran, dissemination of false information about Iran and participation in the escalation of cruel sanctions against the Iranian people as economic terrorism.

The people and entities in the list of sanctions will be denied visa to visit Iran, their accounts and transactions in Iranian financial and banking systems will be blocked, and their assets within the jurisdiction of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be blocked as well.