Iran Dismisses Accusation of Involvement in Attack on Israeli-Linked Tanker

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson categorically rejected the allegation made by the Zionist regime’s prime minister that Iran has attacked an Israeli-linked oil tanker earlier this month.

In comments at a press conference on Monday, Nasser Kanaani totally rejected the accusation of Iran’s involvement in the recent attack on an oil tanker in the Arabian Sea.

On Sunday, the Israeli regime prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, claimed that Iran was responsible for the reported attack on the Liberian-flagged Campo Square.

The ship's captain has said it was lightly damaged by an airborne object on February 10 while sailing through the Arabian Sea. Shipping databases linked the tanker to Zodiac Maritime, which is controlled by Israeli shipping magnate Eyal Ofer.

Dismissing the allegations, Kanaani said, “The Zionist regime, like its main supporter -the US- is used to making accusations against Iran. We are among the influential countries when it comes to freedom of navigation in international waters.”

Highlighting Iran’s emphasis on the necessity of ensuring pervasive security for all countries in international waters, the spokesman said the Zionist regime, which is not committed to respecting the security of other countries, would naturally expose itself to retaliatory threats.

The Zionist regime, which has no commitment to the security of others and whose history is fraught with destabilizing the region, has no right to make accusations against others in relation to security issues, he stated.