Russian Su-25 Military Plane Crashes in Belgorod Region, Pilot Killed

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A Russian Su-25 ground attack plane crashed in the Belgorod Region while returning to its airfield after completing a combat mission, as reported by Russia's Defense Ministry on Thursday.

"A Su-25 plane of the Russian Aerospace Forces crashed while returning to its airfield in the Belgorod Region after accomplishing a combat mission. The pilot died," the ministry said in a statement.

The plane crashed in a desolate place and there is no destruction on the ground, it specified.

"According to preliminary data, a technical fault is a likely cause of the crash," the Defense Ministry said.

As a representative of the Belgorod Region’s Valuyki district ambulance station specified to TASS, the dead pilot’s body was found and a military helicopter arrived to transport it. An ambulance team is working at the crash site. As an on-duty doctor said, the plane was flown by one pilot.

The Su-25 is a subsonic all-weather jet attack aircraft designed to provide close air support to ground forces on the battlefield. It is equipped to destroy ground installations and low-speed aerial targets. The Sukhoi Design Bureau created the Su-25 in the first half of the 1970s.