Iran Condemns Israeli Raid on Aleppo Airport, Urges Int’l Reaction

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Foreign Ministry of Iran strongly condemned a Tuesday morning Israeli air strike on Syria’s Aleppo airport, calling on international organizations to take swift action to stop the Zionist regime’s crimes.

In a statement on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani denounced the “apartheid Zionist regime’s aggressive and inhumane attack” against Aleppo airport.

Calling on the international organizations in charge to take rapid and effective measures to halt the Israeli regime’s crimes, the spokesman said, “While the earthquake-hit Syrians in Aleppo are experiencing tough conditions, the Zionist regime has attacked the Aleppo airport which is the main route for the delivery of international aids to them. This is a brazen example of crime against humanity.”

He also decried the muted response from a number of Western countries and human rights organizations to the relentless, brutal and inhumane attacks that the criminal Zionist regime conducts against Syria, saying such silence amounts to the encouragement of the Israeli regime as an aggressor that has violated the human rights and the international laws and regulations.

The Zionist regime launched missile attacks on Syria’s Aleppo airport on Tuesday morning, damaging its runway and taking it out of service, according to Syrian state media.

Citing a military source, SANA said Israel “carried out an air attack from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea, west of Latakia, targeting Aleppo International Airport”. SANA said the raid “caused material damage” to the airport and “put it out of service”.

It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties.

The city of Aleppo, which suffered widespread destruction in Syria’s civil war, was again heavily damaged in the deadly 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit southern Turkey and northwestern Syria last month. A number of countries have since sent aid shipments to the city’s airport.

For almost a decade, the Israeli regime has carried out hundreds of air attacks against neighboring Syria, but it rarely acknowledges or discusses the operations.