Yemen's Ansarullah Vows Decisive Battle If Talks with Saudi Arabia Fail

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior member of Yemen's Ansarullah movement, Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, announced that the resistance group will launch a "decisive battle" to end the Saudi-led war in Yemen if negotiations with Riyadh do not produce a breakthrough.

Al-Bukhaiti tweeted on Wednesday, "The talks may fail...and we will have to wage a decisive battle to end the aggression and lift the blockade."

He called on Yemenis fighting on the enemy's side to join Ansarullah in its push for the final battle.

The UN-mediated ceasefire between Ansarullah and the Saudi-led coalition broke down last October, and since then, Oman has stepped up efforts to broker a new truce agreement.

Saudi Arabia, with support from its Arab allies and Western states, launched the war in Yemen in March 2015 to defeat the Ansarullah movement and reinstall the Saudi-backed former government of Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi.

Al-Bukhaiti stated that the US presence in Yemen is an extension of the Saudi-led offensive, and that the reality of the aggression is now clear to everyone.

He also accused the US and Britain of trying to hamper progress in the negotiations and put a military option on the table in case of dialogue failure. The US has recently increased its encroachment in Yemen's eastern provinces of al-Mahrah and Hadhramaut, which Ansarullah has condemned as a "dangerous assault" and a "flagrant violation" of the country's sovereignty.

The war in Yemen has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and caused the world's worst humanitarian crisis.