Iran, Saudi Arabia Reach Détente in China

Iran, Saudi Arabia Reach Détente in China

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Days of trilateral negotiations in Beijing resulted in reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, who have decided to resume diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies within the next two months.

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has been in Beijing since March 6 to hold intensive negotiations with his Saudi counterpart on the settlement of difference between Tehran and Riyadh.


Iran, China and Saudi Arabia signed a joint statement on Friday after days of intensive negotiations in Beijing.

Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani and Saudi Arabia’s National Security Adviser Musaid Al Aiban were engaged in intensive talks in Beijing from March 6 to 10.

In the joint statement, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have expressed gratitude to Iraq and Oman for hosting negotiations in 2021 and 2022 and to the People’s Republic of China for hosting the most recent round of talks.

“According to the negotiations that have been held, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have agreed to resume their diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies and (diplomatic) missions within at most two months,” the statement added.

The Iranian and Saudi foreign ministers are expected to hold a meeting to carry out the new decision and make arrangements for the exchange of ambassadors.

Iran and Saudi Arabia have also emphasized on the respect for the sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other, have agreed to implement the security cooperation agreement signed on April 17, 2001, and to carry out the agreement on economic, mercantile, investment, technical, scientific, cultural, and sports cooperation signed on May 27, 1998.

Iran, Saudi Arabia and China have expressed in the joint statement their firm resolve to make every efforts to strengthen regional and international peace and security.

Representatives of Iran and Saudi Arabia have held several rounds of talks in Baghdad during the past year.

Diplomatic relations between Tehran and Riyadh soured following the January 2016 execution of Shiite cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, an outspoken critic of the Saudi monarchy, in Saudi Arabia. Riyadh cut ties with Tehran afterwards, responding to attacks by angry protesters on its embassy in the Iranian capital.

Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Yemen as well as the death of hundreds of Iranian Hajj pilgrims in a deadly crush in Saudi Arabia’s Mina in September 2015 had prepared the ground for the deterioration of tensions between Tehran and Riyadh.

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