Iran Raps Western Hypocrisy on Human Rights, Cites French Police Brutality

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry published footage from the French police’s use of brute violence against protestors, taking a swipe at the West for preaching about human rights and violating them at the same time.

In a post on his Twitter account on Sunday, Nasser Kanaani deplored Europe and the US’ hypocritical approach to human rights.

“A lesson given by the French police in practice on how to respect human rights and the rights of protesters; This is an example of respecting human rights and the rights of protesters in the ‘European garden’!” Kanaani said.

“The human rights lessons of these claimants are for others but they themselves are strangers to those lessons in practice,” he added.

“There’s an abundance of such examples in Europe and the US!” the Iranian spokesman stated.