Iran, Bahrain Reportedly in Talks to Reopen Embassies, Restore Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Informed sources said important bilateral talks are taking place between Iran and Bahrain to restore the relations between the two countries.

The talks have been held without mediation from other parties, and the results are expected to be announced soon if an agreement is reached on all disputed issues, informed sources told Sputnik news agency.

Bahraini parliamentarian Muhannad Al-Saleh confirmed that Iranian and Bahraini delegations have expressed their desire to open up more avenues for cooperation. However, he did not disclose the details of the consultations or the committees formed. He only said that initiatives in the near future will seek to resolve the complex and thorny issues between the two countries.

Al-Saleh said King Hamad bin Isa is interested in stabilizing the region and achieving peace and security. He also expressed Bahrain's priority in its relationship with its neighbors, based on brotherhood and commitment not to interfere in internal affairs.

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani on Monday noted that the reconciliation with Saudi Arabia would have other regional positive impacts, including on the ties between Iran and other countries, raising the possibility of improvement of relations between Iran and Bahrain.

Last Friday, Saudi Arabia, Iran and China issued a joint tripartite statement, in which the three countries announced that Iran and Saudi Arabia had signed an agreement to resume bilateral relations. The statement indicated that the agreement was signed after several days of negotiations between the head of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council and his Saudi counterpart in Beijing.