Macron’s Ratings near Record Low

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - French President Emmanuel Macron’s personal ratings are approaching their lowest recorded level over his handling of pension reform and protests, a poll showed on Tuesday.

The survey by the Odoxa polling group said only 30 percent of respondents thought he was a “good” president, down by 6 percentage points in a month, while 70 percent judged him negatively, AFP reported.

Macron’s popularity is approaching the low reached in December 2018 during the so-called Yellow Vest anti-government demonstrations, when only 27 percent of people held positive views of the president.

The survey, carried out for the Public Senat channel and regional newspapers, showed falls for most of the French political class amid increasingly violent protests against the government’s bid to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64.

The survey showed 71 percent of respondents favored a referendum on raising the pension age and 67 percent would vote against, with opposition to the move relatively stable since the start of 2023.

Other surveys have also confirmed a slump in Macron’s ratings, as rubbish builds up in the streets of Paris due a strike by refuse collectors and protesters blocking ports and refineries.

Tuesday marked the 10th day of national strikes and protests organized by trade unions since the start of 2023.