Iran, Algeria Weigh Plans to Broaden Ties

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran and his new Algerian counterpart discussed a range of regional and international issues on the telephone, weighing plans to enhance the economic and trade relations between Tehran and Algiers.

In the phone call on Thursday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian congratulated Ahmed Ataf on taking the post as the foreign minister of Algeria.

The two senior diplomats also congratulated each other on the holy month of Ramadan and held talks about the expansion of relations between the two countries in different fields, especially economic and trade ties.

They also discussed the regional and international developments, including the situation in Palestine.

Amirabdollahian extended warm greetings of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Algeria’s President Abdul Majid Tabun and invited Ataf to visit Tehran.

Ataf also extended warm greetings on behalf of high-ranking Algerian officials to their Iranian peers and said his country is ready to expand bilateral ties with Iran in different areas, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

The two diplomats further stressed the need for close cooperation between Iran and Algeria in the regional and international bodies.