Global Order on Verge of Political Upheaval, Weakening Iran’s Enemies: Ayatollah Khamenei

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that the political developments of the world are undergoing rapid transformation while weakening the enemies of the Islamic Republic at the same time.

Senior Iranian officials met with Ayatollah Khamenei in Tehran on Tuesday, coinciding with the 13th day of the holy month of Ramadan.

"In order to take advantage of this opportunity, we must increase our dynamism, initiative and activities in foreign policy," the Leader said at the meeting. He also pointed to signs of weakening in the anti-Iranian front in the future world’s new world order.

"The US is one of Iran’s most important foes in the world. Facts show that America was weaker under Obama’s administration than Bush’s administration. The US was weaker under Trump’s administration than the way it was under Obama’s administration. The US is weaker under this man’s (Biden’s) administration than the way it was under Trump’s administration," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The Leader underlined that the bipolarity that was formed in the US elections two or three years ago is still highly prevalent. He added that America has not yet been able to solve the crisis that the Zionist regime is grappling with, according to

"The US had announced that it planned to create a united Arab front against Iran, but what has happened today is the opposite of what it had intended. The Arab world’s relations with Iran is increasing. Furthermore, the US wanted to put an end to the nuclear program according to its own plans, through political pressure and sanctions, but it failed."

Ayatollah Khamenei also referred to the recent war in Ukraine, citing it as an example of the US becoming weaker.

"The US started the war in Ukraine. However, this war has caused it to drift apart from its European allies, who are actually the ones who are taking the brunt of the war, while the US reaps the benefits of it."

The Leader underlined that even though the US considers Latin America as its backyard, many anti-American governments have risen to power there. “In addition, the US wanted to overthrow Venezuela and they even created a fake president for it with money, weapons and an army, but their plan failed,” he added.

The weakening of the US dollar in such a way that some countries are trading with each other's national currencies, was another example that the Leader cited. "Therefore, the US which is the leading enemy of the Islamic system is weakening."

While referring to the Zionist regime as another enemy of the Islamic Republic, Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that during the regime’s 75 years of existence, it has never faced problems like the dire ones it is facing today.

"The Zionist regime has political instability and has changed four prime ministers in four years; party coalitions collapse before forming; there is an extreme bipolarity throughout the fake regime, which is highlighted by the demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of people in some cities. It is not possible for them to try to make up for these weaknesses by firing a few rockets," stated the Leader, while giving examples of the Zionist regime’s chaotic and collapsing state.

The Leader considered the warnings of Zionist officials regarding the nearing collapse of the Zionist regime as another sign of their weakening. “We had mentioned (in 2015) that the Zionist regime would not see 25 years from then, but it seems as though they themselves are in a rush and want to leave sooner”.

He described the rising power of Palestinian groups and the way that Palestine has moved from the Palestine of the Oslo Accords and the disgrace that Yasser Arafat brought about to the Palestine of the Arin al-Aswad (Lions' Den) as other signs of the weakening of the anti-Iranian front and the strengthening of the Resistance front.

The Leader continued his speech by discussing the plots that Iran’s enemies have been devising inside the country. “There have been and will be plots inside the country, such as last year's riots, which were carried out under the pretext of women's issues and with the support of Western spy agencies.”

Referring to the unfortunate, insecure situation of women in Western countries he pointed that "in some of these countries, women, in their own words, are not safe on the streets or in the camps or in the military forces, and even a veiled Muslim woman for example, who had gone to court to file a complaint was killed and martyred. Such countries draw a line for the Islamic Republic, which regards the highest dignity for women."

Ayatollah Khamenei clarified that the issues regarding women are not limited to their clothing or coverings, pointing out the active participation of Iranian women and girls in various fields such as education, employment, political and social activities, management positions and their active presence in the battles before the Revolution and during the Sacred Defense period and the period that followed.

In this regard, the Leader explained the legal and Islamic rules on hijab, stating that "in the matter of (a woman’s) covering, the hijab is a legal, Islamic boundary, rather than a governmental restriction. Removing the hijab is not Islamically or politically permissible."