Iranian President Urges Unity among Muslim Countries in Face of Enemies’ Plots

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi called for enhanced unity among Muslim countries in the face of the conspiracies of Islam’s enemies.  

Addressing an Iftar banquet attended by Muslim countries’ ambassadors and chargés d'affaires in Tehran on Wednesday, Raisi said Iran considers terrorism and occupation, inter alia, to be among the strategies that are being used by the enemies towards weakening the world's Islamic societies.

He considered sowing divisions and insulting Muslims’ sanctities to be among other means of targeting Muslim societies, inviting the world's Muslim countries towards unity in the face of these conspiracies.

The president said unity and integrity were needed and had to be deployed as a strategy by the world's Muslim Ummah (Nation), warning, "The Muslim peoples' ill-wishers are after creating division and separation among the (world's) Islamic countries, nations, ethnicities, and faiths."

Raisi pointed to the Zionist regime of Israel's recent attacks on the al-Aqsa Mosque's compound in the holy occupied city of al-Quds' Old City -- which is Islam's third holiest site -- and its targeting of defenseless Palestinians, who were simply observing the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

Simple condemnation and expression of resentment concerning these transgressions are, however, not enough, the president noted, saying Muslim nations today expected implementation of "practical measures" in the face of the Israeli regime's atrocities and in support of the oppressed Palestinian nation.

He considered the Islamic Republic's ultimate solution for the issue of Palestine to be the initiative that has been proposed by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei.

In 2020, the Leader came up with the logical proposal that Palestinians be allowed, internationally, to hold a referendum to decide the fate of the occupied lands. The proposal consists of a vote to be attended by all the original and historical inhabitants of the occupied territories, both those who are still there and those who have been displaced.

Raisi, meanwhile, said the world's Muslim countries enjoyed rare capacities they can exchange with one another.

The Islamic Republic, he cited as a case in point, has attained remarkable progress despite existing sanctions and threats, which it is ready to share with its fellow Muslim countries.