Afghan Security Matter of Concern for Iran, Uzbekistan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Top lawmakers from Iran and Uzbekistan stressed the need for concerted efforts to ensure security and stability in Afghanistan.

In a meeting in Tehran on Saturday, Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf and Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan Nuriddinjon Ismoilov talked about a range of bilateral and regional issues.

Calling for “serious cooperation” among the neighboring countries to help Afghanistan, Qalibaf said Iran maintains that all Afghan groups need to play a role in the formation of a national government in order to ensure security and development in that country.

He also stated that a top priority in the Iranian Parliament’s foreign policy agenda is the promotion of relations with the neighboring, regional, Muslim and Central Asian nations in various fields.

Highlighting the good opportunities for economic interaction between Tehran and Tashkent, Qalibaf said the two states can play a fundamental role in the transportation industry via the North-South Corridor.

For his part, Ismoilov lauded the expansion of relations between Uzbekistan and Iran in the past recent years.

Calling for plans to enhance the economic and mercantile relations between the two states, the Uzbek speaker emphasized the importance of collaboration in the transportation sector.

He also pointed to the direct borders that Uzbekistan and Iran share with Afghanistan, highlighted the importance of peace and stability in Afghanistan, and stressed the need for Tashkent and Tehran to put more efforts into improving the situation in that neighboring country.