Iran Determined to Settle Disputes with IAEA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry expressed the country’s determination to resolve differences with the International Atomic Energy.

Asked about the installation of new cameras by the IAEA at Iran’s nuclear sites, Nasser Kanaani said at a weekly press conference on Monday, “Iran’s serious policy is the settlement of problems with the (International Atomic Energy) Agency.”

Based on this policy, he added, Iran is determined to prevent issues relating to its peaceful nuclear activities from becoming a process for confrontation with the IAEA.

Hitting back at US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan for his comments against Iran’s peaceful nuclear program, Kanaani said such remarks contradict the IAEA reports which have confirmed the peaceful nature of Iran’s activities.  

The spokesman also lashed out at Sullivan for his provocative remarks about the Israeli regime’s freedom of action against Iran, saying the US is, directly and indirectly, responsible for the destructive measures of the Zionist regime.

“The US must be mindful of the legal responsibilities for such remarks. Iran’s (nuclear) activities are peaceful. We are a signatory to the NPT and the Safeguards (Agreement). Iran will respond to any act of aggression,” the Iranian diplomat added.

Sullivan's remarks echoed allegations issued consistently against Iran's nuclear peaceful nuclear program by the United States and its allies.

Tehran has invariably asserted that its nuclear program is aimed at purely peaceful purposes and that the Islamic Republic had no intention of developing nuclear weapons.