Businesspersons from 71 Countries Visit Iran Expo 2023: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of the 5th Export Potential Exhibition of Iran said merchants and traders from 71 countries visited the export achievements of the country displayed at the Iran Expo 2023.

Majid Takbiri made the comment on Wednesday in an interview with IRNA and said that representatives of countries including China, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Iraq, Mali, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates traveled to Iran within the framework of more than 50-strong trade-economic delegations to visit the export achievements of the country.

Turning to foreign trade and economic diplomacy as one of the priorities of the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi, Takbiri said the economic event was held with the participation of about 750 competent domestic companies.

The 5th Export Potential Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran dubbed “Iran Expo 2023” kicked off on May 7 and wrapped up on May 10.