Trump Criticizes US Support for Kiev in Russia-Ukraine Conflict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Former US president Donald Trump insisted that Washington was giving too much ammunition to Kiev.

He also refrained from taking sides in the Russia-Ukraine conflict during a CNN town hall in New Hampshire. Instead, he emphasized his focus on ending the bloodshed. Trump expressed his belief that Washington was providing excessive ammunition to Kiev, highlighting his concern about the loss of life in the region.

When asked if he supported Ukraine in the war, Trump responded, "I don't think in terms of winning and losing." He emphasized his desire to settle the conflict and halt the loss of life, stating, "They are dying, Russians and Ukrainians. I want them to stop dying."

Trump criticized the amount of military aid being given to Kiev by the Pentagon. He argued that the US should prioritize its own ammunition needs before providing assistance to others. He highlighted the substantial military aid the US has provided to Ukraine, totaling $36.9 billion since the war's onset in February 2022.

Additionally, Trump called for Europe to contribute more financial support to Ukraine, urging an equalization of aid compared to Washington's contributions.