Tehran-Damascus Ties at Their Best: Iran’s Defense Minister

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani said the country’s relations with Syria are at their best.

The Tehran-Damascus relations are at their best due to a strategic and more importantly fraternal pact between them, Ashtiani said during a meeting with the chief of the general staff of the Syrian army and armed Forces, General Abdul Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim, in Tehran on Wednesday.

He also said Tehran is ready to assist Syria with its reconstruction process and development of its defense infrastructure in the post-conflict era.

“I assure you that Iran’s Defense Ministry stands ready to … help Syria rebuild and develop the infrastructure of its defense industry in the post-war era, as it stood by the Syrian armed forces during the fight against terrorism,” Ashtiani added.

He also underlined the need for holding a joint defense-technical cooperation commission with Syria.

Touching on Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s landmark visit to Syria last week, Ashtiani said the agreements reached and the issues raised during the trip are being followed up.

The Syrian people’s support for their political establishment and the non-adherence of many countries to the United States’ unilateral policies show the declining power of the global arrogance, he added.

“The regional countries’ acknowledgment of the fact that Syria’s role in regional developments cannot be dismissed demonstrates the true might of Syria and its victory over the conspiracy of the enemies, especially the US and the Zionist regime,” he said.

On Sunday, the Arab League, a 22-member intergovernmental organization of Arab states, agreed to welcome Syria back into the fold after more than a decade of suspension. The move consolidates a regional push to normalize ties with the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Referring to Wednesday’s quadrilateral meeting between the top Iranian, Syrian, Turkish and Russian diplomats in Moscow, Ashtiani said the Islamic Republic has in different summits stressed principles such as the withdrawal of all occupation forces from Syria, the fight against terrorists, and respect for the Damascus government’s national sovereignty.

Ibrahim, for his part, appreciated the all-out support provided for Syria by Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, as well as the Iranian government and nation.

“Syria’s current situation is the result of joint sacrifices and steadfastness of the two countries in confronting terrorism and preventing the spread of the ominous scourge to the region and the world. Syria will never forget the assistance and cooperation of its true friends,” he said.

The Syrian general also called for enhancing the Iran-Syria ties in all areas, especially in the military and defense sectors.

Iran was the first country to rush to Syria’s aid following the 2011 outbreak of foreign-backed violence. In 2017, military advisory assistance provided by the Islamic Republic helped the Arab nation score a monumental victory over the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group.