Yemen Backs Palestinian Resistance’s Military Moves in Solidarity Marches (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemenis participated in huge rallies across the country to express support for the Palestinian people and their resistance under the slogan "Revenge of the Free".

In over 20 popular areas in the provinces of Saada, Taiz, Dhamar, Dhale, Raymah, Hajjah, Amran, Al-Jawf, and Al-Mahwit, the protesters praised the "Revenge of the Free" operation launched by Palestinian resistance movements in response to the bloodshed by the Zionist enemy.

In a statement, the protesters also commended every military action undertaken by Palestinian resistance movements against an adversary that only understands the language of power, according to al-Mayadeen.

The statement highlighted the "unity of the Palestinian front in the face of an arrogant enemy," recognizing the tremendous sacrifices made by the Palestinian people in their quest for victory. It also strongly condemned the international community's silence regarding Israeli crimes in Palestine.



The statement emphasized that the United States serves as a key partner of "Israel" in its aggression against Gaza, affirming the Yemeni people's loyalty to Palestine, their popular and military mobilization, and their active and direct participation.

Expressing disdain for the deplorable state of the official Arab system, the statement condemned the Arab League's current representation, no longer reflecting the aspirations of Arab peoples. It called upon Arab and Islamic nations to assume their responsibility and take decisive action in support of Palestinian resistance movements.

The statement stressed that "the enemy will not be able to restore its deterrence capabilities."

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, reaffirmed on Sunday the ongoing support for the Palestinian cause, stressing the unwavering determination of the Yemeni people in their struggle and their willingness to make any sacrifice.

Speaking at a popular rally in Saada, northern Yemen, under the banner "Revenge of the Free," al-Houthi addressed Palestinians, declaring, "The conspiracy plotted against you has failed, and you can rely solely on your struggle."

"We have witnessed the Zionist aggression as it bombarded cemeteries and homes in Gaza. Just as we have seen Saudi Arabia, the United States, and the United Arab Emirates bombarding our cemeteries and homes in Yemen," Al-Houthi further stated.

Earlier, Daifallah Rasam, the head of Yemen's Tribal Solidarity Council, expressed the solidarity of Yemeni tribes with the Palestinian resistance in their confrontation and quest for revenge against the occupation. He emphasized that the Palestinian cause stands as Yemen's foremost and central issue.

A few days ago, Mahdi al-Mashat, the president of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, affirmed Yemen's support, from its leadership, government, and people, for all the options taken by the Palestinian resistance to "deter the Zionist enemy."

He called on Arab and Islamic countries to adopt supportive positions for the Palestinian people and their militant resistance, providing financial and military support, and implementing boycott measures against the Zionist regime.

The world watches as Yemen joins hands with Palestine, demonstrating that their struggles are interconnected and their causes intertwined, he said, adding that Yemen's message to the world is clear: the time for action is now, and justice for Palestine must prevail.