Former Trump Adviser Rudy Giuliani Faces $10 Million Sexual Harassment Lawsuit

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Rudy Giuliani, the former Trump adviser and once dubbed "America's Mayor," was hit with a $10-million sexual harassment lawsuit on Monday by a former employee.

Noelle Dunphy alleges that Giuliani persistently harassed her, and failed to compensate her as promised for her work.

The lawsuit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, paints a picture of Giuliani as a frequently intoxicated individual who relied on Viagra and demanded oral satisfaction while on the phone, likening himself to former US president Bill Clinton. Dunphy claims she was subjected to working naked, in a bikini, or in short-shorts adorned with an American flag purchased by Giuliani. The suit further alleges that he would grope her and attempt sexual contact during work hours.

According to the lawsuit, the abuse began shortly after Dunphy was hired in 2019. She also claims to possess recordings of Giuliani conducting sensitive business and making vulgar and racist remarks about Jews, female politicians, and other targets of his animosity. However, her legal team declined to share the recordings with the Associated Press, citing ongoing litigation.

The suit further alleges that Giuliani was selling pardons on behalf of then-president Trump for $2 million each, with a portion of the proceeds being split between them. Dunphy was allegedly instructed to direct individuals seeking a pardon to Giuliani to conceal them from Freedom of Information Act requests. Additionally, she claims she was pressured to lie to the FBI and informed about a plan to attribute Trump's 2020 election loss to voter fraud.

Although Dunphy's lawsuit describes her as a vital part of Giuliani's operation, managing his schedule and public image, she alleges she was forced to work off-the-books due to her boss's divorce proceedings with his third wife. Giuliani terminated her employment in 2021 without providing compensation, leaving her owed $2 million, as per the suit.

Giuliani's communications adviser, Ted Goodman, vehemently denies the allegations, describing her as an escort who exploits wealthy men. He referenced previous instances of Dunphy's alleged schemes to defraud affluent individuals, including an alleged fake rape claim that reportedly resulted in a $5 million payout.