Environmental Issues Crucial in Iran Energy Projects: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi stressed the need to consider environmental concerns related to the projects in the energy sector.

In remarks at a meeting of the Supreme Council of Energy, held in Tehran on Tuesday, Raisi emphasized that the concerns expressed by the Department of Environment about a number of power plant and oil refinery projects across the country must be taken into consideration.

The president also assigned the secretariat of the Supreme Council of Energy to set up a task force to address environmental concerns about the development of power plant and refinery projects within 15 days.

The process of economic progress and development must conform with the environmental regulations, he stated.

In remarks in March 2021, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined the importance of protecting the environment and green life as a dominant popular culture and urged all the officials to pay more attention to people’s livelihood.

In November 2015, the Leader outlined 15 environmental policies developed in consultation with the Expediency Council in line with implementing the first paragraph of Article 110 of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Constitution.

Development of an integrated national environmental system and the necessity for comprehensive, coordinated and systematic management of the country’s vital resources (including water, soil, air, and biodiversity) were among the most important policies underlined in the letter.

The general policies call for criminalization of destruction of the country’s environment and punishment for polluters and destroyers of the environment.

Management of climate change and countering environmental threats including desertification, dust pollution, drought, and bacterial and radioactive transmission factors as well as the study and management of emerging environmental phenomena were also among the key points in the general policies.