Iran, Russia Agree to Facilitate Trade, Transit Activities

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Customs officials from Iran and Russia in a joint meeting held in Tehran on Wednesday agreed to facilitate trade and promote transit activities between the two countries.

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) Mohammad Rezvanifar and Head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation Ruslan Davydov reached an agreement to ease and promote trade activities between the two countries.

During the meeting, the Iranian deputy economy minister said that Iran and Russia enjoy high potentials and capacities to increase the volume of trade exchanges.

Turning to the fields of cooperation between customs offices of the two countries, Rezvanifar said a new roadmap will be outlined for the expansion of cooperation through updating the agreements inked between the two sides.

He said that IRICA is ready to present quality customs services and offer special facilities to authorized Russian economic activists within the framework of the Green Customs Corridor.

The Russian customs chief, for his part, welcomed the proposals of his Iranian counterpart on facilitating and accelerating customs-related affairs and helping economic activists with the aim of increasing the volume of trade exchanges between the two countries.

The use of the customs green route created between the two countries can help the volume of bilateral trade to increase, Davydov added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the significance of the tripartite agreement inked between Iran, Russia and the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of transit and added that Russia will make all necessary cooperation and collaboration in line with increasing transit activity between the two countries.

The Russian customs official further called for increasing cooperation in the training field.